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St Mary's Priory is an inclusive school; we welcome families of all backgrounds.

As a voluntary aided school, our admissions are slightly different to other community schools. All the information you require should be within the side menu, but if you have any queries at all about the application process, please do contact us.

Telephone 020 8800 9305 or email 

Please click on the links in the side menu to find out more about our admissions policy and procedures.  


Haringey Consultation on School Admissions for 2025/26

You may remember last year when Haringey led a public consultation on the reduction in pupil places for a number of schools in the area, and St Mary's Priory was one of them.  The outcome of this was that from September 2024, we will offer 30 places in Reception; this is known as a 1 form entry school.  

To mirror our Infant school, Haringey are now starting a public consultation for a reduction in places for our Junior school.  It is proposed that from September 2025, we will offer 30 places in Year 3, as opposed to 60.  

Part of public consultation is seeking views of those in the local area.  To find out more about the consultation, and have your say, please click on this link, which takes you to the Haringey page 'Consultation on school admission arrangements 2025/26'.