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Classroom Religious Education

Religious Education is a core subject at St Mary’s and 10% of the weekly timetable is allocated to teaching it. Our Religious Education curriculum follows a three year cycle with the liturgical year and scripture. Children learn about the Catholic faith and develop a deep understanding of Jesus’ teaching, which we expect everyone to use as their example in the way they interact and behave with each other.

As well as Catholicism, all children will learn about other faiths. All classes learn about Judaism, Islam and key religious celebrations for other faiths throughout the year.

Prayer and worship play an important part in the Catholic life of our school. There is a daily act of worship either together as a whole school, or in individual classrooms. Our local priest, Father Clive, from the parish of St Thomas More, is a regular visitor, as we celebrate Masses and Liturgies.

​We have a special focus on saints, and our House teams are named after 4 saints: St Vincent de Paul, primarily recognised for his charity and compassion for the poor (green team); St Josephine Bakita, who dedicated her life to ensure freedom for all, and giving dignity and right to those without it (red team); St Francis of Assisi, patron saint of the environment (yellow team); St Therese of Lisieux, also known as Therese of the little ways (blue team). During the year the children will have opportunities to celebrate these feast days with special foci on music, the environment, learning in fun ways and doing small things well.