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Reception Admissions

Prospective Parents

Children join Reception in the September following their fourth birthday.  If you would like to have a tour of the school, please call 0208 800 9305 or email                                  

Some important points to note:

  • You do NOT need to be Catholic to apply to our school - we welcome children and families of any faith or of no faith
  • You do NOT need a "Priest's reference" (even if you are a baptised Catholic)
  • Distance ONLY applies if we are oversubscribed
  • You have an EXCELLENT CHANCE of a successful application this year (we have not been oversubscribed, due to the falling birth rate across London, for the last 4 years)

Click below to view the school's Admissions policy 2025.

To apply for a place at our school, you must complete an application with Haringey School Admissions.  Click here to access their website. 

If you are expressing a preference for a place for your child at St Mary's Priory School, and wish to apply under a faith criterion, you should complete our Supplementary Information Form (see below).

Admissions Privacy policy